SKU: 1678029638 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Pink Lily of the Valley Phone Charm | Bag Charm, Keychain | Floral, Aesthetic, Spring, Cute, Lilly of the Valley | Gifts for Her


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Handmade lily of the valley themed phone charm! This charm is made with pink glass lily of the valley beads and accompanying leaf charms! Attached to a white phone charm strap, but can also be attached to a keychain clasp instead, just let me know!
Canadian Customers- Standard default shipping ($2) *does not* include tracking as it is sent as untracked lettermail (via stamp). Upgraded shipping can be purchased at checkout, which includes tracking! Orders can take from 3-10+ business days to arrive if sent with standard shipping!
USA Customers- Default shipping for all orders is Tracked Packet USA and includes tracking!
International Customers- All orders placed from countries outside Canada/USA are sent by default as “Small Packet International Air” , which does not include tracking. You can upgrade to Tracked Packet International shipping at checkout!
Keep in mind that if you did not purchase tracking, I don’t have information on the whereabouts of your package after I have shipped it out, however please contact me with any questions or concerns!
I do not accept returns or exchanges on orders, since all of my items are made to order.
Follow me on IG and Tiktok! @shopdreamyhaven

Weight 1 kg


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