Transform your phone into a true jewel with this unique Phone Charm. It features a hand-painted bead and a charming hanging star, which shines and stands out like a hanging candy. This accessory will not only add style to your phone, but will also be the center of attention wherever you go. Make your phone as sweet as candy with this Phone Charm!
our phone charm = we paint with epoxy resin on top of the best quality beads. Each bead is unique. Because we paint by hand, there is always a small difference between one and the other.
How many are hand-painted, there are small imperfections is normal. There are 6 units, each unit are different than others, but without same type of color and paint.
SKU: 1677640146
Category: cell-phone-accessories
Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Artistic Hand-Painted Beads Phone Charm -Phone Charm – Painted Bead with Dangling Star – Like a strung candy -Adorable
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Artistic Hand-Painted Beads Phone Charm -Phone Charm – Painted Bead with Dangling Star – Like a strung candy -Adorable” 取消回复
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