SKU: 1677476350 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Authentic Classic PopSocket PopGrip Phone Grip. Hand painted with epoxy resin paint in a Boho brown and red design.


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Authentic Classic PopSocket™ PopGrip Phone Grip. Expanding Stand and Grip.
Introducing a touch of nature and creativity to your phone accessory collection with our hand-painted Popsocket.
Crafted with care, each PopSocket boasts an authentic PopGrip design, ensuring reliability and durability for your everyday needs.
Hand-painted with epoxy resin paint, our PopSocket features a smooth textured hard finish, providing a tactile experience that’s perfect for fidgeters and those who appreciate quality craftsmanship.
With its expanding stand and grip functionality, our Classic PopSocket allows you to text with ease, snap with friends, and enjoy hands-free video viewing. Say goodbye to the dreaded “phone falling on face syndrome” with our reliable grip securely attached to your device.
Our Classic PopSocket attaches effortlessly to anything with a smooth hard plastic case, ensuring a snug fit and reliable support. However, please note that it may not adhere well to silicone, highly textured surfaces, or soft cases.
Designed and painted by me, Ella, a 19-year-old artist with a passion for dot art, each PopSocket is a unique expression of my creativity and love for design. By choosing our hand-painted PopSockets, you’re not just getting a stylish accessory – you’re supporting my artistic dream of sharing my love of art with the world.
Upgrade your phone accessory game with our PopSocket and add a touch of charm and functionality to your device today!

Weight 1 kg


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