Introducing our adorable Jungle Design Phone Click-On Grip! This cute phone grip not only adds a fun touch to your iPhone, but also provides excellent quality and functionality. With its innovative phone clip, this grip doubles as a media stand for hands-free viewing. Easily attach and detach your phone with the Phone Click-On feature, making it a convenient accessory to have on hand. Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone and hello to a secure grip with style!
Whether it’s taking a selfie, typing with one hand, or watching your favorite TV show on your phone, this personalized phone holder helps you do it all. Attach the smart grip on the back of any phone with the re-adjustable & washable adhesive stick . Once installed, use the grip to enhance your smartphone experience.
.: Materials: polycarbonate and metal
.: One size: 1.4″ x 2.8″ (3.5 x 7.2 cm)
.: Available in matte or glossy finish
.: Versatile grip: serves as a mobile holder and as a kickstand or phone rest
.: Easily applied via reusable adhesive backing
SKU: 1677512482
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Grip for iPhone, cute phone grip, excellent quality, phone clip, Media stand, Phone click on grip, jungle design, Phone Click-On Grip” 取消回复
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