SKU: 1024122870 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. 2 Phone Carrier and Utility | Fits All Odd Phone Size & Brand Combinations Seller details


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Do you have to carry 2 phones like I do? One for work and the other for personal use? I invented Cellsnapp! to keep them both handy and ready to use at the flip of a wrist; and so you don’t have to keep worrying about misplacing one, while using the other!
Carrying 2 cellphones drove me crazy; I looked for a solution where I could actually carry & use my 2 phones simultaneously, rather than just having them in a pouch attached to my hip. I searched everywhere online; there was nothing out there! I was so frustrated, I decided to invent the solution myself. I did and now I want to share it with the world. It works, I promise it will work for you, as it does for me….
If like me you like to research before you buy, then please Google “cellsnapp”; read the independent reviews and check out my YouTube page for videos before make your decision… it’ll be one of the best you’ve ever made… 🙂

Weight 1 kg


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