SKU: 1086528296 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. The 925 Personalized MagSafe Compatible Handmade to Order in the U.S. for iPhone 12, 13 and 14


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The Finn 925 MagSafe is one of the newest addition to our line of superior hand stitched leather cell phone wallets.
Made from Natural Genuine Full Grain Leather our cell phone accessories are cut and sewn by hand. No piece of machinery is used in the crafting. We select leather that has been minimally processed so that the natural characteristics of the leather remain intact and you the owner, will have a case that is uniquely yours. No two cases will be exactly the same.
The 925 has between 5 and 7 credit card pockets (depending on the phone size). These are actual individual pockets not card slots so that your cards stay in place and are secure. One exterior pocket for larger items.
Each 925 is delivered with a clear TPU case MagSafe compatible for your phone. You can use the case or change it to a different case of your choosing (must be MagSafe compatible) or no case at all (which we don’t recommend), the magnet will securely keep your phone in place.

Weight 1 kg


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