SKU: 1363357583 Category:

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With the strikingly glittering cell phone chain from Trag’ Glitter, your phone or keychain will always be within reach. With the high-quality and sparkling zirconia stones, you will attract everyone’s attention from afar.
No matter how it is worn, it enhances every outfit, regardless of whether you are casual, in a business look or sporty.
The universally applicable glitter chain can also be easily attached to a key chain, work card/ID card, etc.
Chain can be hooked and unhooked
Suitable for cell phone models and cell phone cases (except for cell phone cases where the bottom is open)
Perfect for your key ring.
Additional Information
20 length, 6mm width
Different colored zirconia stones with gold lobster clasp available.
Silicone strap with zirconia stones, metal elements, PVC, plastic ring
Remove the PVC strip from your glitter chain and take your cell phone out of its case. Slide the strip through the opening provided for the charging cable. Put your cell phone back into the cell phone case and attach the glitter chain to it.

Weight 1 kg


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