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All Hands on Deck – With SmartYard, (cell phone chain / smartphone lanyard) your cell phone case (smartphone cover) becomes a stylish cell phone or smartphone chain in no time. Matching your style, SmartYard comes in 5 different color combinations. A seawater-resistant stainless steel shackle ensures a secure connection and the marine look. Whether sea dog or mermaid – SmartYard can be adjusted to the desired length with a ring fastener. It doesn’t matter whether you’re circumnavigating Cape Horn or keeping a flock of unruly seals at bay, thanks to SmartYard, your fins stay free and your smartphone is always at hand and stylish within the 3-mile zone. This is how it works The SmartYard Hanger-Card is simply placed in your existing mobile phone case and the eyelet pushed through the opening for the charging cable. The eyelet and sail rope are then stylishly connected with a shackle. Adjust the length and – Ready to put on. SmartYard can be combined with all mobile phone cases that have a central charging cable opening. Your Style sail rope / rigging is available in 5 different color combinations. Cable-free Charging and listening to music is possible without annoying cable wool, since the connections and charging socket on the smartphone remain free. SmartYard consists of the following components • Hanger card with eyelet (double-laminated carbon film) • Sail rope (diameter 6 mm, length 150 cm) • Stainless steel shackle • 3 rigging • Stainless steel ring clasp A case for your cell phone (smartphone cover) is not included of the scope of delivery.
Your Style sail rope / rigging is available in 5 different color combinations.

Weight 1 kg


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