Lotus flower phone charm with mini leaf beads, flower beads, and white lotus beads
Included: 1 lotus flower phone charm, in your color choice (red, pink, or purple)!
Dimensions: approx. 4in (10cm) from top of phone charm strap to bottom of lowest hanging beads
Phone charm strap securely attaches to your phone case or bag and is available in several color options!
Handmade by me, from start to finish, with a delicate selection of individual beads and charms
Cute accessory that can add a pretty touch to your phone, attach to your purse or backpack, or even hold your keys!
Perfect gift for a dear friend, family member, yourself, or anyone who appreciates the delicate beauty of flowers and nature ‧₊˚°༉‧₊˚.
Looking for something else? Check out my other handmade accessories and jewelry here! (https://starlacoboutique.etsy.com)
SKU: 1667593733
Category: cell-phone-accessories
Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Lotus Flower Phone Charm Beaded Pink Flower Phone Strap Fairycore Handmade Keychain Red Dainty Bead Accessory Gift Idea Phone Charm Purple
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Lotus Flower Phone Charm Beaded Pink Flower Phone Strap Fairycore Handmade Keychain Red Dainty Bead Accessory Gift Idea Phone Charm Purple” 取消回复
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