SKU: 777811026 Category:

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GLOSSY GOLD IS BACK IN STOCK! Made with Aluminum Alloy. This plain simple cellphone ring holder works as sturdy kickstand and rotates 360 degrees for easier, more flexible cellphone handling, and movement. It attaches to any magnetic cell phone holder. Available in four colors – gold, rose gold, silver, and dark gray. Choice of Glossy or Matte Texture.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The adhesive is NOT SUITABLE for any textured /leather/silicon phone cases.
Only apply on small tablet or cellphone. This is not strong enough to handle larger electronic devices.
Application and Usage Method: (Apply it on a clean, dry, and flat surface)
1. Wipe away dirt and dust on the back of your phone, phone case, or small tablet. Dry it completely before installation.
2. Peel off the paper on the back covering the adhesive. Avoid touching the adhesive surface by your hands.
3. Make sure to confirm the perfect placement of the phone ring. The adhesive is NOT REUSABLE.
4. Press the ring holder firmly against your phone or tablet for at least 30 seconds. Wait for another 15 minutes before pulling the ring holder to make sure the adhesive is firmly attached on the phone surface.

Weight 1 kg


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