SKU: 1477739848 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. 33 NEW Colors for Phone Grip holder Finger Strap Bracket Phone Loop Finger Stand for Universal Phones


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Sleek, comfortable and easy to use phone grips can be used as a phone grip to hold phone securely in your hand or a phone stand. It has a collapsible base that you slide your finger thru it or use as a phone stand. When not in use it collapses (slides) down and lays flat. Easy to use, just remove the tape and place it on the back of your phone.
• Color: 31 color options
• Classic style, smooth surface touch
• High quality TPU material
• Attaches with strong adhesive
• Compatible with most wireless chargers
• Fit 1 or 2 fingers
• Can be used as a mobile phone stand
• Dimension3.9×0.96×0.15inches
• Weight: 0.3oz
How to use:
1. Clean your phone or case
2. Confirm the position you want to apply
3. Peel the cover on the adhesive.
4. Apply it on the phone or case
5. Allow to wait at least 10 minutes before use.
Please Note:
Try not to pull it after it is applied, longer the adhesive stays and stronger it works. The sticker can only be used once.
Tips: 100% Pure Acetone helps remove and clean the adhesive left after grip is removed.
Phone Grip, Phone Grips, Phone Grip Holder, Phone Grip Strap, Phone Strap, Phone Loop, Phone Straps, Finger Grip, Phone Holder, Finger Straps, Phone Grip Straps, Phone Loop Strap, Finger Strap, Cell Phone Holder

Weight 1 kg


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