SKU: 1393322950 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. White quartz hexagon phone grip – Natural stone phone holder Seller details


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A unique handmade hexagon phone grip, made of white quartz gemstone, which enhances the aesthetic look and eases phones usability.
This real quartz grip can be attached to all phones in easier hand-held usage, watching videos hands free, snapping better photos. Includes an adhesive disc for attaching your grip directly to your device, the sticker is reusable, and no residue is left on the phone after use, and it can be used many times. It also comes with extras sticks and instruction.
Please use it with care to maintain color and shape.
• Comes Gift Ready
All orders will be shipped out within 2 – 4 business days after the order has been received.
We DO accept returns, so if there is a problem with your order, please contact us so we can resolve
the issue.
Please be aware cross border transactions may incur additional duties and fees.

Weight 1 kg


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