SKU: 1178050403 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. BTS Logo Resin Hook for Keychains and Phone Charms


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You can choose the color of the actual hanger. There are many options 🙂 These are handmade by me and the hanger is meant to be used on a phone case to hook charms.
Each hanger comes with a small piece of strong adhesive. Carefully choose the place you want to stick the hook, as once it’s been placed it will be hard for it to come off. Once the hook has been placed, please wait at least 1 hour before using the hook in order to let the glue settle. If you want to use your own way to glue/stick the hook please let me know so that I won’t include it with your order 🙂
Each phone hanger is custom made as ordered. Although I do my best to keep colors consistent, this is a handmade product with new resin and pigment being mixed each time. As such, there might be slight color differences. If you ever have an issue with your order, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to help you
The time from order to shipping is about 1 week. Once shipped the item usually takes anywhere from 3-7 days to arrive depending on your location. Please message me if you have any questions. Thank you so much for supporting me and my small business

Weight 1 kg


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