Acrylic resin phone grip
I hold no responsibility if you choose the wrong option for your phone grip!
If you want your phone grip to have glitter on it, make sure to put an option of glitter + (design name). I hold no responsibility if you input an incorrect option!
These phone grips have a weather-resistant coating, these stickers are perfect for placing on many surfaces such as a laptop, notebook, planner, iPhone cases and more!
It is personally designed by me, please do not use these photos in any features unless permitted by me
Sizing ranges between 5 cm – 7 cm
Artwork printed on acrylic
Glossy epoxy glaze finish, and also other with glitter
4 cm white expandable grip with 3M adhesive
Step 1: Clean the surface so it can be clean and dry for good adhesion
Step 2: Remove sticker backing from the phone grip.
Step 3: Adjust and place the phone grip at the desired spot.
Step 4: Press firmly onto the grips for 15-30 seconds
Step 5: DONE!!!
Keep away from humidity!!!!! Don’t bring your phone into the shower!!!!
I am not responsible for delayed, lost, or stolen mail
I am not responsible if you put the wrong shipping address, please double check your address before submitting your order
No returns or exchanges
SKU: 1230823059
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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V.2 Cute Animal Phone Grips/ kawaii grip/ Acrylic grips/ glitter acrylic grips” 取消回复
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