SKU: 1079631351 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. 24k Gold Gemstone Druzzy Agate Geode Inspired Popsocket


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NON BRANDED GRIP WILL ALWAYS BE CLEAR. Only the “Popsocket” option is swappable.
The “non branded” option isn’t.
Please have in mind that these are hand made and they can look slightly diferent everytime
PopSocket pops, tilts, prop, collapse, grip.
-This PopSockets phone grip is easily collapsible and can be repositioned and popped multiple times.
-Expand the capabilities of your mobile devices with the handy PopSockets Phone Grip and Stand. Add a single PopSocket to any mobile device and instantly gain a better way to use your phone or a more secure way to hold your tablet or e-reader
-Allows your hand to relax while securely holding your phone
-Stylish white exterior
-Great for propping phone while in speaker mode
-Remove your PopSocket by pulling slowly on the base; you can re-position and reattach time and time again.
PopSockets products are engineered to be super sticky, and they are most compatible with smooth, flat surfaces. PopSockets products will not stick to silicone, highly textured, and many soft cases on the market. They also will not stick to iPhone 11 or 12 models without a suitable case.

Please read our policies for more details regarding payment, shipping, and refund before ordering.
If you have any questions, please message me. I am happy to help!
Thank you for visiting DynamicSparkle !

Weight 1 kg


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