Bear Mobile Phone Grip, Colorful Three-Dimensional Bear Stand, Transparent Folding iPhone Samsung Mobile Phone Stand
The function of mobile phone holder:
Selfie with one hand, don’t worry about dropping your phone
When eating or eating snacks, the stretching frame is placed on the table, it is convenient to watch videos
It is also a cute phone decoration, making your phone look more interesting
Product information
Product material: Acrylic resin
Product size: length3cm
Paste: Stick it on the phone case or phone, press it firmly, let it stand for 20 minutes, it will stick to the phone very firmly.
*Please note*
Due to material variances, we cannot 100% guarantee that this cute phone grip will stick to your particular phone or case.
Therefore, we do not accept any refunds due to non-stick phones or cases.
If you want, you can add extra adhesive to the phone grip, then stick with the adhesive of your choice!
Handmade products, brackets will inevitably have a few black spots during the production process, which is not a quality problem and does not affect the appearance of the product. In this case, returns and exchanges are not accepted. Not recommended to buy if you are a perfectionist.
SKU: 1523199588
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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