SKU: 1470533688 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Classy Phone Charms


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Handmade phone charm accessories are a unique and special way to personalize and add personality to your smartphone. These charms are often crafted using a variety of materials, such as beads, crystals, metal, and fabric, to create a wide range of designs and styles.
One of the reasons why handmade phone charms are so special and unique to customers is that they allow them to express their individuality and style in a way that is not possible with mass-produced accessories. Each handmade charm is one-of-a-kind, and can be customized to reflect the personality and interests of the owner. This means that no two charms will be exactly the same, making them a truly unique and personal accessory.
Handmade phone charms make great gifts for friends and loved ones. They are a thoughtful and personal way to show someone you care and can be customized to reflect their interests and personality.
*made with high-quality materials*

Weight 1 kg


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