SKU: 1677154818 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Coquette Cell Phone Beaded Lanyard Wrist Strap, Bows & Butterflies Mobile Strap Charms Handmade Cute String Keychain Acrylic Pearls Gifts


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Choose from this delightful collection of cute and coquette-style cell phone beaded lanyards. These chic phone charms wristband straps ensure that no phone ever looks dull again. Each charm features a beautiful color, adding an elegant touch that perfectly complements the coquette y2k aesthetic vintage.
Great gift idea for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or Mother’s Day.
Material: Faux pearl, acrylic beads, polymer clay, and strong nylon rope.
These phone charms aren’t limited to just phones. Thanks to their universal compatibility and thoughtful design, you can use them on a variety of items. Attach them to shoulder bags, cameras, wallets, keychains, ID cards, U disks, car keys, and other lightweight electronic accessories for that distinct and glittering touch.
Visit my store’s Phone Cases & Charms section for more ideas:

Weight 1 kg


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