Introduce a touch of mystic philosophy to your daily routine with our Death Tarot Card Mobile Display Stand. This custom-printed stand features the transformational Death tarot card design, serving as a constant reminder of life’s cycle of endings and beginnings. As you navigate your digital interactions, this stand reminds you of the perpetual flow of change and the possibility of rebirth.
Our stand portrays the Death card as a riveting dawn scene. A skeletal figure emerges from a river, the first light of day breaking over the horizon. This powerful imagery not only symbolizes endings but also the potential for new beginnings, inspiring personal growth during your digital experiences.
The digital painting contrasts dark and light colors to capture the transformational moment of dawn and the symbolic emergence of the skeletal figure. This stirring artwork is further enhanced by the stand’s glossy finish, reflecting the light of dawn and the promise of a new day.
Crafted from sturdy hardboard with a secure plastic leg, this two-piece stand offers the stability of a new day’s dawn. Its straightforward setup and disassembly align with the Death card’s message of transformation, offering ease and adaptability for your ever-evolving lifestyle.
Embrace life’s transformations with our Death Tarot Card Mobile Display Stand. This thought-provoking piece not only offers a secure spot for your smartphone but also embodies the profound symbolism of the Death tarot card—a blend of functional design and timeless wisdom.
.: Material: Hardboard stand with plastic leg
.: Two-piece construction
.: One-sided print
.: Glossy finish
.: Perfect for your desk or nightstand
SKU: 1478968656
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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