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-Size: 1.57 in
-Material: Resin, Sticker, Acrylic
The Flowers can’t be all the same at a time. But they will be similar as possible. Products delivered at random.
Adhesive: Suitable for all phones
Magnetic: Suitable for phone 12/13/14/15 Phone Series. Please make sure the phone case also supports magnetic phone grip holder.
The magnetic base can be connected to iPhone 12-15 phones. Or you can stick magnets on the phone case. The magnetic base and free sticker will be sent together with your order.
-Shipment: Ship to all over the world.
United Kingdom: 1-3 days
United States/ Canada/ Australia/European Union: 3-7 days
Other Countries: 3-9 days
Please feel free to contact with me if you have any questions.
SKU: 1582366768
Category: cell-phone-accessories
Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Handmade Moon Space Phone Grip Holder, Star Phone Grip, Silver Foil Phone Grip, Phone Charm, Phone Stand, Phone Base, Cute Phone Accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Handmade Moon Space Phone Grip Holder, Star Phone Grip, Silver Foil Phone Grip, Phone Charm, Phone Stand, Phone Base, Cute Phone Accessories” 取消回复
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