SKU: 566885837 Category:

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Touch-up and Charge!
A dead phone, camera, or MP3 player is a buzz kill for any outing. But with limited real estate in your clutch or carry-all, a bulky charger often just doesn’t make the cut. The Hello Gorgeous Phone Charger Compact is a sleek 4000mAh powerhouse that will elevate your charging game! Combining every fashionista’s daily essential- a mirror, with a pocket-portable charger, the durable glossy black clamshell opens into a mirror compact, so you can do a quick face check or touch-up while charging on the go. Now your phone can keep up with your whirlwind day! Stay chic and empowered with this stylish new charging accessory.

Looks and Brains
The compact is equipped with Smart Chip Technology, which automatically identifies the devices that’s plugged in and delivers the exact charge that it needs. No more, no less.

Weight 1 kg


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