SKU: 1674000286 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Iced coffee & Books Dust plug, Kindle Charm, Acrylic charm for e-reader, Kindle Accessories, USB phone Charm, Bookish Gift, Bookish Merch


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One of most popular designs now turned into a super cute charm for your Kindle/e-reader or phone
This one inch dust plug charm is the perfect addition to your e-reader.
this charm is designed to keep dust and debris out of your device’s ports, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.
Simply plug it into your device’s headphone jack when not in use to protect it from dirt and damage.
•Made with thick, clear acrylic
•Lightweight and durable
•One sided design, back is white
Please see photo of charger to see if the dust plug will fir your device – USB-C PORT
**due to the fragile nature of the plug please try not to pull on the charm when adding or removing so not not to damage the jump ring**
Royal Mail 2nd class delivery is included in the price

Weight 1 kg


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