SKU: 1324890613 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Pink Bow Tie Phone Charm Strap, Phone Lanyard, phone accessory, gift for her,


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The previous lobster strap has been changed to a string strap. Please take a look at the pictures.
Lovely Handmade Beaded Phone Charm Strap.
You can customize and decorate your cell phone and AirPods case.
It can be a good gift for family and friends.
Please note that for any issues involving missing packages that the USPS has confirmed as having been successfully delivered, the buyer
should contact the local post office with the applicable tracking number.
Beads of same color may vary slightly from time to time.
Straps can break if pulled or a lot of force is put onto the accessories.
You can use them for a long time by carefully hanging them on your wrist and using them with the device that it is attached to.
We are not responsible for damages due to improper handling.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you can find something you like in my store.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Find me on Instagram @iamkeeyomee

Weight 1 kg


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