SKU: 1677206164 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. ReMarkable Marker Plus Nib Repair Cap


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Instead of wasting money on a new Marker Plus, use this replacement nib collar to fix your one! You can revive it by simply pressing this cap onto it for a secure fit. You will receive two replacement nib caps so that you have a spare in case of losing one. Additionally, this product was designed to resist drops and other stresses much better than the original stylus does.
Have fun taking notes!

• This product is for the Marker Plus .
• A Remarkable Marker or Marker Plus is included.
• Installing this replacement nib collar requires some cutting. Before installing the cap, the original broken nib collar must be removed using a pair of scissors or a razor blade.
• The cap should fit on the marker tightly, but in some cases, it may be required to apply for a permanent solution.
• This product is made of plastic and not actual metal.
• All parts are made of 100% recyclable materials.

Weight 1 kg


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