Replacement heads are available for Caduceus and Mouthstick styluses.
The replacement heads are NOT interchangeable between the Caduceus and Mouthstick. The Mouthstick uses a slip on head, while the Caduceus uses a threaded head, so please make sure you are ordering the correct head for your product. If you have any questions. please contact us before ordering.
Which Tip Type Is Right For Me?
The basic style tip is shaped as a simple cylinder that extends from the end of the stylus barrel. In order to get the best performance, it needs to be held close to perpendicular to the screen.
-It is a good choice for users that primarily use their stylus for on screen button pressing and simple on screen navigation.
-It is a good choice for users that want to also use their stylus for off-screen manipulations, like interacting with keyboards, mice, or even elevator buttons.
-It is a poor choice for users that want to use their stylus for handwriting or art applications.
-It is a poor choice for users that can’t maintain a stylus position close to perpendicular to the screen.
SALT stands for Shallow Angle Lightest Touch. It is our favorite style of tip, and the style we recommend for the majority of users.
The SALT tip is basically sphere on the end of the stylus. The diameter of the sphere is slightly larger than the diameter of the cylindrical stylus barrel. This means that any stylus with a SALT style tip can make consistent and reliable contact with the screen at a wide range of angles.
-It is a good choice for users that want to use their stylus for handwriting, art, or gaming applications.
-It is a good choice for users that need flexibility in how the hold their stylus relative to their devices
-It is as good as the basic at on screen navigation and button pressing.
-It is a poor choice for off screen manipulations, like interacting with keyboards, mice, and elevator buttons.
SKU: 1136758562
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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