Shungite stones & plates are scientifically proven to protect from harmful EMF (microwaves) from CELLPHONES / SMARTPHONES / LAPTOPS (WiFi), by neutralizing the disrupting effects on biological organisms by about 50 % and strengthening the biofields.
We offer bigger CHIPS for NOTEBOOKS and LAPTOPS – of course they work for phones as well. You can expect a better effect in harmonizing the harmful EMF effects with bigger size.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ why you need to understand this amazing mineral ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Shungite is 98% carbon. Coal is categorized into nine types if you include graphite. But there is only one Shungite. While coal can be changed by heat and pressure, Shungite is not effected by either heat or pressure. The difference between the two similar materials is in the molecular structure. Simply put, Shungite is made up of molecules that should exist in the vacuum of space but not within the geology of Earth.
Where is Shungite found?
It all started in 1985 with some scientists essentially wondering what types of carbon molecules could exist in the vacuum of space. All life on the planet is based upon carbon and it is of paramount interest. They ended up creating the molecule called a “fullerene”. By 1996 other less symmetrical fullerenes were identified and the scientists were given the Noble Prize in Chemistry for their discoveries.
By then the scientific world was enthralled with fullerenes and the search began to find fullerenes in nature. They found some in a meteor strike impact point in Canada. A gold mine in Canada and another in Russia showed fullerenes. And then there is the Zazhoginsky Shungite deposits in the Russian Republic of Karelia near the eastern border of Finland. Fullerenes were found in the tons of Shungite lying on the surface.
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EMF PROTECTION (Spheres or Pyramids for Computer / Desk / Bed)
Shungite is excellent for protection against energy fields including electric, magnetic, microwave and yes, nuclear. Scientific research material is abundant and we can send you some on request.
Shungite is being used “not only in health care facilities, nursing homes, rest homes, but also in enterprises electronic, radio, nuclear industry, communication centers, residential buildings, built on tectonic faults near high-voltage lines.” – Dr. Yuri Kalinin, Director General of Research and Production Complex, Republic of Karelia.
One Shungite nugget on any electrical or electronic device that is constantly on will alter the EMF field in the entire home. While this sounds too good to be true, testimonials continue to come in like these:
“I have a lot of bad days in school because the tests on the computer make me dizzy and hurt my eyes. My Shungite pendant makes me feel protected like a super hero’s force field. Now my computer work is fun!” – 7 year old Dylan
“I work under a cell phone tower, never had an explanation for my constant headaches. Since I have my Shungite wow not only I feel great, I am not bloated like I was due to a recent thyroid surgery and my headaches are gone !!.”
Use SPHERES or PYRAMIDS for Computer / Desk / Sleeping Area, big PYRAMIDS for complete House.
( Pyramids )
( Spheres )
Any SHUNGITE PENDANT or PIECE in your pocket will permanently neutralize EMF from sources you cannot correct by placing Pyramids or Spheres on them.
TRIANGLE PENDANTS are equilateral 4.5 cm on each side, available as ‘female’ and ‘male’, with a hole and cord in the top side / corner.
DONUT PENDANTS are 4.8 cm in diameter, have an extra effect because of the torroidal shape, especially on the area / chakra where you wear them.
The Pictures are taken from the bioenergetic tests of Christel Barbier and Regina Martino, displayed in their scientific groundwork book: “Shungite – Protection, Healing, and Detoxification”
… more information online or on request, also via mail. Feel free to ask ,’)
As mentioned, we have a lot of research material available. You can easily do your own research on the web, or get some links from us. Feel free to ask us any questions.
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PURIFYING WATER (use nuggets, tumbled stones, crushed pieces)
The healing properties of Shungite in water continue to be recognized. Those out-of-this-world-molecules (Fullerenes) were proven to be an absolute health tonic.
>> see the Info on our other Shungite Products <<
SKU: 567489051
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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SHUNGITE EMF-Shields for Smartphones, 5G, Cellphones, DeCT mobile phone, Handy, Laptop, Notebook
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