SKU: 1674185485 Category:

Share more specifics to help us review this item and protect our marketplace. Taylor Swift Eras Phone Charms / Beaded Phone Strap / Gift for Swiftie / Trendy


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These phone charms are perfect to show off your Swiftie spirit, or gift to your Swiftie friend!
– This beaded phone charm is 8.5 inches long, with the string part being approximately 1.5 inches and the bead hoop being 7 inches. Please note that each charm’s length will slightly vary because they are handmade.
– Each individual phone charm is unique, while using the same bead style. This means that you may or may not receive the exact phone charm featured in the photos.
– String is knotted and secured with super glue for extra protection against breakage.

Weight 1 kg


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