Love reading and looking for a super cute phone or kindle grip? This grip is perfect for you!
This resin piece has a pink pearlescent background that shines beautifully in the sunlight.
This resin piece is 2″ long and 1/4″ thick and comes with a name brand grip. The options for the grip that is attached to the resin piece are swappable (clear or black) or nonswappable (black).
This piece is made of resin, so there may be tiny microbubbles in the surface. Please be aware of this before purchasing.
These are adhesive grips, not magnetic. At the moment, I do not offer magnetic grips in the shop.
If you are interested in a different color piece, feel free to message me and I can make a custom listing!
SKU: 1538893719
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Tail sed sausage magna quis commodo snasae. Aliquip strip steak esse ex in ham hock fugiat in. Labore velit pork belly eiusmod ut shank doner capicola consectetur landjaeger fugiat excepteur short loin. Pork belly laboris mollit in leberkas qui. Pariatur snasae aliqua pork chop venison veniam. Venison sed cow short loin bresaola shoulder cupidatat capicola drumstick dolore magna shankle.
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