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Universal Holder Ring Irregular Metal Make Up Mirror Transparent Pearl Shell Phone Bracket Griptok iPhone 11 12 13 14 Samsung Stand Holder
Here is the product description:
Expanding stand & grip, universal grip, desk mobile phone holder, cute finger holder, Available for all phones.
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1. They might be slight difference from photo descriptions to actual appearance of items due to lightning, but rest assured that the photo descriptions/displays match the item.
2. Delays are inevitable. Items will be shipped within 1-3 days. Once we shipped the item, we make sure that we are coordinating with the courier to ensure the safeness of the item upon transit. In case you prefer to rush orders, we will request you to pay for extra shipping fee, but not required.
3. For further concerns, please do message us before leaving a bad review, we will make sure to solve the problem for you.
All our product is custom-made by hand with Love and Care in our workshop.
All the love,
SKU: 1418654929
Category: cell-phone-accessories
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Universal Holder Ring Irregular Metal Make Up Mirror Transparent Pearl Shell Phone Bracket Griptok iPhone 11 12 13 14 Samsung Stand Holder” 取消回复
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